Experienced Book Designers
Experienced book designers are sought after because they benefit the self-publishing authors throughout all processes of getting their books on the shelves. Maremar has been doing this since 1983. All your life, you have wanted to write a book. Now is the perfect time...
Book Marketing Strategy: How your public persona can make or break your success
Are you holding on to sentimental items, like a Teddy Bear or an old lucky T-shirt, that are hidden away in a drawer or closet? There's no need to feel ashamed, as many people hold onto these items for comfort. However, when it comes to marketing your book, it's...
Designing Books with Photos
Designing books with photos should incorporate the use of a professional photographer. That really all depends on what your expectations are as well as consideration of your budget. If you need to use photos in your book design or other piece of communication you are...
How to send large files
As Book Designers how to send large files is one of the most frequent questions we receive. Many times our clients need to send us large files that, because of their size, cannot be sent through normal email. So let's go over some of the most popular ways that you...
How to keep your brand “On Track”
Those nice covers that you used the last time for this same client should be ready to pick up but the office manager brings you some electric blue ones with your logo printed in black "because they were cheaper." Yes, well, that’s exactly what the client is going to...
Learn about the power of label design
Your label design is ONLY powerful when it entices someone into an action within the first second. Your product label design must beat the competition in giving a great initial impression. Let's get some expert advice on how to get this power.You go into a supermarket...
Book Design
Cover Design
Graphic Design
Professional Editing
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Established on the island of Puerto Rico, we are completely bilingual and therefore are in a unique position to relate to the Hispanic markets in the US.